There is nothing like the sudden chill to the morning air and the leaves beginning to litter the ground to inspire thoughts about the passage of time. One more season of planting new healthy habitat coming to an end, a summer season filled with news stories about habitat destruction. I recently watched a webinar from Pollinator Pathway about one habitat threat we can individually eliminate in our yards-- the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on our lawns.
Neonicotinoids or "neonics" are a class of neurotoxic pesticides that permeate the plants on which they are applied, rendering the nectar, pollen, and fruit toxic. They can be applied to a plant's roots or coated on seeds. They are the most widely used insecticide in the world, and according to National Geographic, have made U.S. agriculture 48-times more harmful to insects. They persist in the soil, where they can be carried by rain into waterways.
Several scientific studies have linked neonic use to the catastrophic bee losses you may have read about. Neonic toxicity has also been linked to the significant bird declines we have seen in the last few decades. Standard chlorination water treatment does not remove neonics from drinking water. which leads to neurological harm in humans. Because they permeate the foods grown with neonic-coated seeds, they can't be washed off, and neonic residues contaminate produce and baby food.
According to Pollinator Pathway, the most heavily used neonic is imidacloprid to kill grubs in turf grass on lawns and golf courses. New Jersey passed legislation last year to ban neonic use on non-agricultural land, immediately cutting 90% of neonic use in that state.
1) Stop using neonics. (Here is a list of products containing neonics.) Use a biological substitute to kill grubs in your turf grass such as nematodes, milky spore, or Btg (Bacillis thuringiesnsis gallerias).
2) Buy plants from nurseries where the suppliers do not use neonics. We have several nurseries listed on our website.
3) Ask your state legislators to introduce or support legislation that limits or bans neonic use in Pennsylvania.
4) Start replacing your turf grass! As Todd Bittner, a Cornell plant ecologist, recently stated in an excellent article by Margaret Roach, “Converting turf-grass lawns to something more sustainable is an action every homeowner can take to collectively address the climate crisis and give nature a helping hand.”
Which leads us to Pollinator Palooza, our project to help you add a perky pollinator garden to your yard, a veritable bee buffet! Across the Delaware Valley (and even down to Pasadena, MD) 33 land owners have signed up so far to sheet mulch a 4X12 area of their yard this fall and plant 28 native perennials in the spring, all for less than $100. When you register, we will send you the directions to sheet mulch now (spread cardboard and cover with mulch), and we will send the planting guide in the spring when it is time to pick up your plants.
Can we sign up 50 yards? 100? Let's pock our map with purple dots! If you are thinking that you would like to watch the bees and butterflies in your own pollinator garden next summer, don't delay. Registration ends on October 10.
Enjoy the fruits and colors of the harvest season!
Nicole and Ivan reaching out to residents at the Lower Gwynedd Fall Fest on 9/23
Joyfully this Fall
October 7 table at Lower Providence Community Day, 11-4--volunteer at our table!
October 14 Springfield Township Native Garden tour, 10-noon--visit 4 local native plant gardens; contact cynthiakreilick@aol.com to register
the week of October 16 mulch delivery for Pollinator Palooza
November 19 sheet mulch and remove invasive species in Lower Gwynedd, 1:30-3:30--sign up here!
If Journeywork inspires you to sheet mulch, start seeds, or plant some native plants in your yard, please send us a picture! Let's celebrate and support each other!
Our wish list
Rubbermaid bins with lids for storing gloves and tools
clean, gently used 5-gallon buckets
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